You decide on the Seeds

A fruit is known by its seed. A tree is known by its fruit. Trees are matured, grown seeds. Seeds are those little fragments that make our lives the whole. Seeds are what we allow to be part of the whole. Every little stem, leaf, branch, stump and fruit are results of those little seeds. Poor seeds bear bad fruits. Healthy seeds bear good fruits. The fruits are the product of those little seeds.

What kind of fruit do your little seeds produce?
Lies, Hate, Envy, Shallowness, Bitterness, Naivety, Pride, Laziness and Promiscuity..
Or –
Truth, Love, Knowledge, Grace, Faith, Humility, Hardwork and Self-control.

You are responsible for the fruit You yield because you allowed the seeds to grow.
You can nurture or uproot, love or despise those seeds.
Thorn bushes do not bear grapes and briars do not bear figs.

By: Dumpe Duunebari Dorathy


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