Use Your Authority, We are Powerful

Have You ever wondered why You get the most temptations after You just finished a serious spiritual overhauling? The reason is that God boasts about You to the devil telling him – don't you see my child, don't you see how committed, separated and devoted he is to me, I love him.
The devil gets angry and challenges God telling him he can make you fall and God allows him.
Suddenly, the devil sends some demons on assignment, You notice strange feelings, You see yourself wanting to go back to your past ways, demons responsible for your past lifestyles will be on the increase around You, strange doors of compromise and destruction will open, temptations will heighten, desires, thoughts and even hormones will respond.
The Devil creeps in with suggestions in form of innocent thoughts in your mind, they begin to build up. As if that's not enough, he shuts certain doors, sends hindering spirits and demons of confusion to trouble You. People all of a sudden hate and quarrel You for no just reason, everything around You begin to retrograde.

When You see this, don't be scared, because if You are not knowledgeable on the devil's modus operandi, You will be forced to think that God didn't answer your prayers. Remember the Bible says that every temptation that comes to You is that which is common to man and that God will not allow a temptation bigger than You to come your way. God assured You also of a way of escape so this should be the foundation of your faith.

But know this, God will not say anything, no matter your prayers, God will not stop the devil because it is not in His place to do so, He will just shut up and allow You suffer because He expects You to do the right thing which is exercising your authority. Remember scripture says we should resist the devil and he will flee from us. This is the best time to use your authority, command the devil to stop his activities in the name of Jesus and off he will flee in fear. This is the beauty of Christianity but if You don't know this, You will suffer for a very long time.

The last point is that the devil has always been stupid. If he had known, he wouldn't have allowed Jesus to be crucified. The devil in his activities thought he was causing You problem but God in his wisdom was allowing your sufferings train You for new heights and understanding in Him. After all, the Scriptures says that all things works for our good provided we love God and are called according to his purpose. God uses your sufferings for your advantage. Remember Apostle Paul, God permitted the torn in his flesh to curtail him and ensure his dependence on God and not his abilities. I can go on and on. For every step the devil takes, God is a thousand steps ahead.

So through this period, the only thing You need do is to use your authority and continually renew your mind with the Word of God. Don't give the devil space to defeat you. We perish from lack of knowledge, get understanding. We are victorious in Christ Jesus.

By: Raphael Donanu


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