You've got to take "Egypt" out of You

Praying and Fasting may take you out of Egypt (slavery); it however takes conscious and continous learning (unlearning and relearning of habits) to take Egypt (slavery) out of you!

10, 25, 50, 100, or even 200 days of fasting is an excellent way to start your new year. You'll however have to get down to the task of breaking the self-sabotaging habits like procrastination, rage, impatience, fear, self-doubt, perfectionism, anti-sociability, timelessness, reckless spending, emotional/senseless eating and drinking, pride, addictions, obsessions, etcetera, that worked against you in 2017 so that 2018 won't end up looking like it – as your habits largely produce your results.

Prayer, fasting, and prophecies are not substitutes for taking informed responsibility in the equation of getting results.

By the way, these are the richest countries in the world per capita:

8. United Arab Emirates ($68,250) ...
7. Kuwait ($69,670) ...
6. Norway ($70,590) ...
5. Ireland ($72,630) ...
4. Brunei ($76,740) ...
3. Singapore ($90,530) ...
2. Luxembourg ($109,190) ...
1. Qatar ($124,930)

Did you notice no single pentecostal christian-dominated country is listed there and only one Catholic christian-dominated country is listed? Did you also notice Singapore is high on the list and suffice to say that we were once categorized together in terms of our economic status and potential, a couple of decades ago?
Guess what Nigeria's economy per capita is? – $2,758 (nominal), $6,184 (PPP). Compare to the above and we pray and fast religiously.

What baffled me more is the fact that despite Nigeria not being in the top 20 richest countries, we however have 4 men of God in the top 10 richest pastors of the world. This is a miracle!

I believe one of the major reasons for this is the replacement of thinking minds with only praying minds who are more bedeviled by the devil within than the devil without but have been brainwashed into claiming and receiving prophetic shortcuts to their destiny in the name of miracles and thus brainwashed into channeling most of their energies into fighting the devil without that want to stop their miracles, forgetting that 'ti ogun lie oba pani, ti ode ole pani' (meaning – if the battle within doesn't kill, the battle without can't) and also forgetting that power in the hands of an 'unthinking' mind is a disaster waiting to happen.

When the Israelites (in Exodus 14) were faced with the challenge of crossing the red sea to their promised land, while the Egyptians were fast-approaching, they cried to God in prayer – lamented, blamed Moses, complained, etcetera, but see what God's response was:

And the Lord said to Moses, “Why do you cry to Me? Tell the children of Israel to go forward (face their challenge courageously, not standing still or turning their back on it through crying/praying). 16. But lift up your rod (representing authority/resource/skill/tool of his profession/career/vocation), and stretch out your hand (representing works of his hands/actions) over the sea and divide it (not that God will divide it).

In view, I unapologetically submit that God will not do for you what He has blessed you eternally with, and prayer cum fasting often times don't solve socio-economic challenges (unlike spiritual challenges); it only changes the praying people to go solve the challenges. But what if you're resistant to change of your habits that have been stopping you?

Friends, I wish y'all happy new year praying and fasting days, but more importantly I wish you happy learning and self-responsibility days ahead.

You are unstoppable!

By: Deji Osasona


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