Your Situation Cannot Change Unless You Change!

At times in life, it looks as though the only thing we do is grow. We just grow, we do not change and do not seek change. The same schedules, the same friends, the same daily routine. We live and die without changing anything about ourselves yet we want our situation to change. We want to change our finances, we want to grow spiritually. We desire all these things to change, yet we do not make efforts in changing ourselves.

It is said that doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result is almost like madness. What needs change is not your circumstances, it is You. One of my mentors Pastor Chris Oyakhilome said; that Prayer does not change situations, rather Prayer changes us to change the situations. Seek change today. Get into His presence and let God change You, so You can make impact. Change is possible but it starts with You.


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