Suffering and Your Life

Many people expect life to be easy. Even as a Christian, there is no crown without a cross.

Many people wish they can just wish suffering away, deny it exists or drink it away. Suffering is how the spirit of man grows, how it learns to discipline itself from the incessant demands of the wayward flesh.

Suffering people are growing people.
But does that mean we should desire suffering?

No, we should not desire suffering but neither should we resist it. Because what we resist persists.

We should not try to hide from suffering. Like a bully, we stand up to it, pull it in the beard and find out that it was just an attachment meant to scare us.

Suffering is not bad in itself and will only cease when you have learned your lesson from it.

Adversity is the road map to prosperity just as failure is the step stones to Success.

Shakespeare wrote "Sweet are the uses of adversity, which like the toad, ugly and venomous, wears yet a pre-jewel in its head."

If you want to increase your Success rate, then double your failure rate.

"The battle of life said, Alfred Lord Tennyson, is not for the timid and unsure. It is for the indomitably courageous."

I am suffering and I speak from direct experience.

By: Austin Nwaeze


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