Men are same, wicked and heartless

Hi Lady, the problem isn't that all men are same, wicked and heartless. I think the problem lies in Your :-

1. Indecision to define your kind of man, probably due to self deceit and focus on what you will get (misplaced focus);

2. Faulty mindset: It's so baffling how people castigate their future and still expect the best out of it. If you've been brain washed by that your friend with failed relationship(s) that never told you her own bad side of the story, why not stay off the way?

3. Insensitivity to clearly identify him from the first day. One question no woman has been able to answer me till date is: What exactly do you consider before approving and entrusting your heart to a man? His appearance, six packs, money?

The truth is that most times, the focus is always on what you'll get and at such, many become so blinded by the good treat and the gifts, "the Lannisters' gifts" ('Game of Thrones' fans should relate).

These are actually your doom in disguise. When a man only showers you with gifts without a proper definition of what he wants ("just friends"), a failed relationship is sure (if there was any relationship in the first place).

Every man is a performer - We do what you expect us to do. Nevertheless, we are of two kinds; the "Responsible" and the "Irresponsible" Performer.

The Responsible seek for your lasting joy. He's equipped with five major keys to lead and impact into you according to God's blue print concerning man and woman (I'll talk more on that later).

The Irresponsible is actually swimming in confusion. He doesn't even know his left from his right. For him, life is just fun (irresponsibility), anything goes. So he's empty. As confused as you both are, who then will lead the other?
All his interest is to accumulate a certain number of "chick chiking awards" to boast about.

A neighbor jokingly said to me, "if only God can give me the opportunity to sleep with Beyonce and go to hell, even if it's once, I will grab it". You can imagine the dream of a full grown man that's been sent to fulfill a purpose here on earth. That may be the same kind of man that's plotting on deceiving you with gifts and treats. Yet, you still fall.

Life is way more than gifts and treats, make up and the flexing. Take your time, invest in yourself (personal development), define the qualities of your kind of man, be sensitive and pay attention to every details from when he walks up to you. Is it possible? Yes!

Stay off unhealthy relationships!
Stay Positive!

Credit: Welekwe Evans


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