Intention is not a factor of production

One thing common among African youths is the penchant for having lofty dreams without any surgically precise plans to execute them.
The African youth will always talk the talk and not work the walk.

"I want to have a book club in my community where we will educate ourselves on our history and use it as a means to build archaeological artifacts and ornaments thereby making our community a hub for ancestral tourism"
That is an intention. You intend to.. You intend to. Get up and execute! Start by documenting interviews with the elders in your community.
"Intention is not a factor of production".

"Oh I want to have an Innovation and Resource centre where youths become ingenious by training themselves with soft skills necessary to foster technologies that are flexible with the ever evolving global dynamics"
That is an intention. You intend to.. You intend to. Get up and execute! You have a laptop but you will invite all your friends and you guys will play Fifa '16 from twilight till dawn. Why not start in your room, with your laptop?
"Intention is not a factor of production".

"I want to be a renowned make up artiste. I want my works to be covered in TIME Magazine. I will also train young ladies in make up skills and we will run a beauty hub alongside"
That is an intention. You intend to.. You intend to. Get up and execute! You have an iPhone, an Android phone and a blackberry but you don't have a makeup kit. My dear, rise from the dead. Sell your phones and start making your sisters and neighbours up. Learn with your face. Learn with your mom.
"Intention is not a factor of production".

There are no results for good intentions but there are results for those that execute without any intention.
Intentions tend to lead one to an unintended tendentiousness and until you develop the tendency to tend to your intentions, you are just moving with the trend and attending to side attractions, paying no attention to the intention.

If your intention does not transcend into an intentional execution, you are merely building mental tension.

Get up and e x e c u t e !
I n t e n t i o n i s n o t a f a c t o r o f p r o d u c t i o n !

Even God did not intend to create the universe. He created (verb: - doing word) the heavens and the earth.
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Intention is not a factor of production!
# ThinkingThoughts !
# TickTock !

Ndubueze Endie Umunna


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