Eye health: Keeping healthy Eyes

We know how important our eyes are to us. The eyes are delicate and no one will definitely want anything to compromise the eyesight. Today, I will share some important points about keeping one's eyes healthy.

• Regular eye check ups and tests are necessary for ensuring good eye health, and will help to detect certain eye diseases like glaucoma which could be asymptomatic. Also, one's knowledge of his/her family's eye health history is necessary to pre-guard against hereditary eye diseases

• Staring at screens (TV screen, computer screen, video games) could be unhealthy for one's eyes. It's advisable that one doesn't stare for too long. A rule called the 20/20/20 rule suggests that one should look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds every 20 minutes to reduce eye strain. That implies that one should take his eyes off the screen at least once every 20 minutes and relax the eyes

• The use of sunglasses is encouraged when the intensity of sunlight is high. Sunglasses protects the eyes from the damaging effects of ultraviolet (UV) rays, which also increases the risks of developing some eye diseases/defects. Also, staying away from high intensity sunlight is great as well

• Proper use, maintenance and regulated replacement of contact lenses should be adhered to, to avoid the risk of eye infections

• Avoid straining your eyes in the dark. Avoid reading with poor light

• Rubbing the eyes regularly/vigorously is not eye-healthy and should be avoided/minimized. If it must be done, the use of the ring finger is okay and less pressure should be applied. The more the pressure, the higher risk of damaging some blood vessels in the eyes

• Hydration is good for the eyes. Avoid being dehydrated, take water regularly

• Diabetes and High blood pressure are two diseases that can increase the risk of eye issues. One should ensure he/she is free from both of them. Also Obesity/being overweight could contribute to poor eyes health

• Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption contribute to poor eye health as they increase the risk of developing some eye diseases/defects

• Jobs, sports and other activities that could compromise eye health should be carried out with the aid of some eye safety equipment or eye wears such as protective goggles, safety glasses, helmets with protective face masks, etcetera

• Exercise is useful in decreasing the risk for eye issues. It also helps to regulate the body's weight and decrease the risks of other diseases that could be associated with poor eyes health

• Take care of your sleep. Have adequate sleep which helps to rest your eyes. Don't sleep with your contact lenses on, take them off

• Some drugs can contribute to poor eye health. Ensure to have knowledge of the side and adverse effects of any medication you are taking

• The use of wrong eye drops by those on eye medication can increase the risk of some eye diseases

• Not responding to the call for eye check up and subsequent treatment, when certain symptoms of deficiency in eye function is observed can worsen adverse eye conditions (example is myopia)

• Unhealthy diet also contributes to poor eye health. The part 2 of this topic will have more on this

Stay healthy!
Stay Positive!!


  1. Prioritizing eye health is crucial, and the blog provides insightful tips for maintaining optimal vision. Emphasizing regular eye check-ups, the 20/20/20 rule for screen time, and protective measures like sunglasses showcases a comprehensive approach. The caution against smoking, alcohol, and the importance of hydration add valuable preventive measures. Thanks to the blog writer for promoting eye well-being. For quality eye care, consider exploring SB Optical – your trusted partner for vision health.

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