You got a Unique Gift, exploit it! Don't compare yourself to anyone!

Bayo was once more in a depressed mood. He had just returned from the Tuesday Bible Study, which he had handled. As had become his pattern recently, he was once again in deep thoughts. He was a gifted teacher of the word, and he knew it, but he had noticed that each time he taught, every one was quiet. But when a brother, Matthew leads the Praise, everyone seemed happy and excited. People would shout for joy, or cry in deep adoration. He didn't get such responses from people, whenever he taught; no one cried, they just listened and probably grew in faith. Matthew's face appears on posters for worship concerts and he's popular in and outside the church; while he (Bayo) was just an ordinary "teacher of the Word." At least, that's how he saw things. He made a decision to stop teaching and join the choir.

Albeit many people (both old and young) have found themselves in a similar dilemma as Bayo. How we envy one another and we fail to realize that everybody is good at something and everybody sucks at something for a reason. We fail to realize our importance and the importance of what we do. We underestimate our usefulness and overestimate that of others.

A wise man once said, ignorance is universal. Sometimes I wonder why people compare themselves with others when we are all gifted differently. I can't sing, but I can stand before an audience and just talk for hours if given the time. I can't do mathematics; I've always sucked at algebra, but I've always excelled in fine arts and administration. Some people are great with figures, others are great with words, while others are great with pictures. Just because you are not good with numbers doesn't make you useless or of less worth.

As Believers, we don't have to compare ourselves with each other. Why? The Scripture says, "In his Grace, God has given us DIFFERENT gifts for doing certain things well" (Romans 12:6). You see, we are gifted and graced differently. There are prophets, there are teachers (of which I am proud to be one), there are evangelists, and apostles, there are the singers (count me out of this group), there are those gifted in administration.

We are all different for a reason - all for God's Glory. Stop comparing yourself with others. You will only end up feeling bad, probably depressed or low esteemed.
Mr Evangelist, stop envying the singers; children teacher, stop comparing yourself with Sunday school teacher.

You have a gift different from others. Exploit it, to God's Glory.

You will go nowhere if you focus on your weaknesses. In fact, ignore your weaknesses. You can trust me on this, you will always feel bad if you keep on focusing on people who do things you are not gifted and graced to do. You will feel bad, and depressed, because not only that you may not be able to do it, you may end up realizing that you will never be able to do it because it's not your talent; and that will leave you in a state of despair.

Ignore Your weakness(es), bask in Your Strengths!!

Musa Gift (MG)


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