Please, take me back

Jane: I miss John. I sometimes feel like I made a mistake breaking up with him.

Jennifer: But he was hitting you.

Jane: I know, I know, but I still miss him.

Jennifer: Don't you even think of going back, he's a monster. You don't love him, at least not anymore.

Jane: Then why do I still miss him so?

Jennifer: Deep down in you, do you want him back? I mean, after the battering and all?

Jane: (few minutes silence) Now I'm confused.

Have you ever missed something, and yet not want it back? Have you ever missed a past relationship, an ex, a past life, and yet, still not want it presently? It happens all the time. It's important we understand that missing something is different from loving and wanting something.
You miss that person, that relationship, that life you once loved BECAUSE of the beautiful memories, the good times you probably shared or experienced; the ups, the gifts, the funny and nice way they made you feel. On some days, we miss people and stuffs, just because we were once attached to them, once knew them, once loved them, or they once made us happy.
But that you don't want them back - that tells you that deep down in you; the truth is: there were probably more bad days than good days, the downs outweighs the ups, they may have once made you happy but changed, and made you sad, and then you moved on. You don't want them back because subconsciously, something in you realizes the truth, and is trying to tell you that they have run their course in your life, and it's time to move on, that they do not belong in your future.
Truth is, not everyone is meant to stay in your lives. Some come as lessons, some come as blessings. Be wise! Do not go back just because you miss em.

When sorting out past relationships and planning to get back together, always try to remember and answer these two questions:
1. Why You left in the first place.
2. Why it Never worked out.

Know when it's time to move on and do so.

Musa Gift (MG)


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