The Other Side of Hope

Every one of us is full of hope. We have hopes, that's how we live our lives after all.
Most of us live in cheerful expectancy, and we term it as being optimistic. That's good! There is no need for arguments.
We believe that things are going to get better; we are confident that things will work out the way we actually wished they will... Dear, I salute your confidence.
We enter Colleges and Universities with the hope that life is going to be great; that we are going to get our dream jobs and live our dream lives with our dream spouse once we graduate.
We hope to be better friends, better parents, better citizens, better... That's what some of us do. To hope, just that!
Then, when things we wished for do not happen as we wanted them..., we play the blame game. We blame everybody. We blame the government, our leaders, bosses, colleagues, friends, parents, relatives... But we don't blame ourselves! We sit back and do nothing about it. We complain. We continue with the blame game while we still hope that things will get better. That's pathetic!

Sometimes, it hurts to hope. Hope could be a distraction which we must learn to abandon.

What then do we need? We need ACTION; WE NEED TO FOCUS. We need to focus and work on becoming better, and not just wish away our energies.

Hope is not a strategy.

Hope without work is foolish. Hope without preparation will lead to misery.

Hope isn't enough to bring about change. One must ACT!

Ogwo David Emenike


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