London Has Fallen (2016)

You watched Olympus Has Fallen? London Has Fallen is kind of a sequel to that movie. The movie stars: Gerard Butler (Agent Mike Banning), Aaron Eckhart (Benjamin Asher - US President), Morgan Freeman (Allan Trumbull - US Vice President), Angela Bassett (Lynne Jacobs - Secret Service Director), Alon Moni Aboutboul (Arms dealer/terrorist mastermind - Aamir Barkawi), among others.

Photo Credit: Wikipedia

I love this movie just as I love Olympus Has Fallen. Maybe it's because of Gerard Butler's bravery and role in both movies. I do enjoy movies that showcases fight against terrorism, you know, the CIA, FBI sort of movies. I couldn't help watching the complete nine seasons of 24, one time my best movie.
I don't know if anyone else feels this way, but sometimes when I'm tired, maybe bored, and I need to relax and at the same time, get some motivation, I watch these kind of movies. They just have a way of drawing out motivation within me, and after watching them, I feel much alive than I felt before.

Okay. Let me now talk about the movie of the day.

• There's some positives to learn from terrorism you know (there's positives in everything). Look at Aamir Barkawi. He lost some family members in the drone strike, including his daughter who was getting married on that day. He and his sons felt the pain of the loss. That pain committed him to planning a revenge assault. He put up a very good and an almost perfectly planned one; one that no one saw coming and wasn't suspected. Such a plan can't succeed without so much hard work. Two years of planning was involved. On the d-day, it was difficult for the American government to put a stop to it. So many lives were lost, a number of world leaders were murdered. In fact, the plan was almost a complete success, if not for Agent Mike Banning who was able to save President Asher from being publicly executed by Barkawi's son, Kamran. Though Mike Banning may be the hero of the day, President Asher could've still been killed if Kamran Barkawi had listened, exercised more control over his emotions, and kill President Asher without trying to make a public broadcast of it.

Do you feel the positives I'm trying to extract from the act of terrorism? Let's see it this way...

What if the loss that triggered Barkawi's revenge action is likened to a stimulus or trigger, or pain one feels because of something one wants to achieve, or a height one wants to attain, or something one wants to change about oneself or one's society? What about that trigger pushing one to take a seat, get focused and organized, put in time, energy and commitment in trying to achieve something positive like say in five or ten years time?
Kamran failed because he lost focus and emotional control. What about one avoids losing focus and concentration as one works towards achieving a dream? The distractions will be there, distractive and mission failing triggers will come around to halt one's complete success. One should try to get control over them, and not let them take the control.

• The second lesson I'll love to point out is from Agent Mike Banning's zeal to protect President Asher. The president is an asset, the most valuable asset of the nation. If he's harmed, the nation's political and economic power and stability is affected. Banning was protecting the whole nation (maybe the world, since the US president is the world leader) by protecting the president.

This can be likened to one protecting an asset, doing all that's positively possible to stand tall after attaining a height, or doing the little one does, maybe a service to the society; something that aid lot of lives or makes life better for a lot of people. It's like one showing concern about something which others neglect or show less concern about. Even though such thing isn't his, but because such contributes to positive living, better health or an easier life, not just for him but for others - the neighborhood, the community, the nation. You know, sometimes, one have to make some contributions and sacrifices, because by helping others, one helps himself, his family, relatives and friends who will be networked through the little sacrifice he made.

Let me stop here. I could go on with the lessons but maybe some other day. Share your lessons from the movie if you've watched it..


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