Life Lessons from the Clock

Photo credit: Wikipedia

Staring at my clock one sunny afternoon at home, I began to notice some unique features of the clock which could also help imbibe in us important life lessons which when practiced will enable us get to the peak of success in our various endeavors. Let us take a look at these features;

1. Each ticking of the second hand offers you another opportunity to start all over again. That is, giving up when you fail should be the last option in your mind. There's always an opportunity to start all over and do things differently. And always remember, for a child of God, this opportunity comes with renewed mercies to help you. Lamentations 3:23.

2. Once a particular set time passes, it cannot be regained anymore. It's gone FOREVER!!. Therefore make the most of every opportunity. Yes, I know it contradicts the first lesson. But think about this deeply. When you have an opportunity to do something, make sure you make the most of it cause even if you get another opportunity it won't be the  same as the first. The clock suggests this to us everyday cause looking at the time, when a particular time passes, it come back again. Example; 09:30 am on monday, the 7th of August, 2017 cannot return again forever. Therefore, make the most of your day so that it won't be wasted.

3. The second hand moves approximately 15 times within each quadrant of the clock after which it repeats same movement in a different quadrant again and again. Let's examine it this way: The second hand rises to level 15 in its development stage and all of a sudden, it errs and falls in despair. Instead of giving up, it starts all over again in a different quadrant and up it goes. Therefore, be happy, People. There's a second chance at correcting your wrong doing. There's always a fresh start. Therefore, let the thought of suicide whenever frustration sets in leave your mind this minute. When you err, all you have to do is say a prayer of repentance, dust yourself up and move on!. Act like the second hand. Never give in to frustration.

4. The second hand never gets tired of ticking. This shows how consistent and persistent the second hand is. Therefore, learn guys - learn to be persistent in your chosen field of endeavor, stay in your lane, continue in that passion of yours and one day you will excel. As a source of motivation, look around and observe the life of genuinely successful people. They stay in their lane, they pursue that vision/goal to the end till its fruition. Take a cue.

5. Little movements of the second hand ultimately lead to changes in seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks and eventually years!!!! Get the idea already? If not, no problem.
This should suggest to you that little step by step efforts we put in the achievements of our BIG goals will eventually pay off. If you seek a great change or you want to achieve a great vision, start by putting the little efforts and doing the little things right. To explain this principle in a simpler way, observe drops of water falling into a big drum; if it continues dropping and dropping, though it may take time but eventually the drum gets full. Never depise your little beginnings. Zechariah 4:10.

6. Your clock will only stop ticking when you die. That's right. All hope of achieving your earthly goals will only be lost when you leave this world. No more opportunity in the grave. So make the most of life while you are leaving cause death is inevitable. As long as you live, there's hope of a new beginning and ultimate success. The best opportunity you can ever take advantage of is the opportunity to be saved. Accept Jesus today and live a life of bliss.
  So there you have it. Six lessons from the clock which I bet you never took to consideration. Please practice these things today and observe your life turn around for good.
Chuks out!


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