Nobody is better than Anybody

It is quite easy, it happens unconsciously to size up people, and conclude that they are not smart, or intelligent, or may be that they are less of a human than you are, because you have some things going on well with you.

The simple truth is that nobody is better than any body, nobody is smarter, wiser, more intelligent or even important than any body. And for our society Nigeria where we adore the wrong things, where we celebrate ignorance, emotionalism, showmanship, where we celebrate noise, noisier noisiest, where we celebrate repackaged stupidity and all manner of idiocy, any cow or goat can even become a leader in Nigeria.

This does not negate the fact that we should always celebrate hard work, honesty, excellence in any fashion or fare they appear.

The first thing I do when I meet a being is to check if they still have humanity, if it is not there, to me, the person is just an effigy, a mutant, a cyborg who adumbrates his or her inferior goods. Worthless.

The tiger needs not use a megaphone to amplify her tigritude.

By: Okwudiri Anasiudu


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