It Passed

Do you remember when all your prayers was for your mum to buy you a particular clothe? And out of nowhere, it happened; You had the clothes.

Do you remember when all your prayers was for you to pass your common entrance examinations into secondary school?

Do you remember when all you asked God was for him to help you pass your junior secondary school examinations especially when you had difficulties in mathematics?

Do you remember when you told God to help you pass your SSCE examinations and score high in your post UTME exams?

Do you remember when you told God all you needed was just an opportunity to learn a trade, when all that was required to enroll for your training was 20k?

Do you remember when you told God to help you gain admission into the University to study the course of your choice?

Do you remember when you were so sick and you thought you would die but you asked God to help you?

Do you remember when you had many carry overs and needed a miracle to graduate?

Do you remember when all you needed to escape a Second Class lower degree was a B in a course or all you needed to make first class was five A(s) for that semester?

Do you remember when you almost dropped out of school for lack of funds?

Do you remember when a wicked lecturer told you you were not going to graduate?

Do you remember when your life was threatened by a dreaded cult group in your neighborhood?

Do you remember when you were attacked by robbers, when you were kidnapped and all you told God was, 'help me Lord'?

Do you remember when you were so confused that you didn't even know what to do or had any hope for your future?

Do you remember when all you needed was 10k to start your business?

Do you remember when he broke your heart and left you shattered, when she disappointed you to marry your friend?

Do you remember when you were so broke that you needed a job badly, when you told God you could do anything?

Do you remember when you lost your job, when your business was struggling, when you couldn't pay rent, pay your children's school fees?

Do you remember when you had that miscarriage, when you lost your mum, dad, husband, wife, kid...?

Do you remember when all you prayed for was that job, that scholarship, that opportunity and that first profit of 1k?

Do you remember how people laughed at you, how family rejected you, how you were thrown out for following your heart and pursuing your dreams?

Do you remember that sickness, accident?

Do you remember when you had nothing to your name?
When you believed God for just a child?

Do you remember when it seemed there was no hope....?

It Passed!

God made a way. Look back now, you have a reason to thank God.

This one will pass too, you will come out strong!

Forget plenty hustling, take out time to say; Thank You Jesus.

By: Raphael Donanu


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