A Billion Dollar Idea and A Billion Dollar Faith

What is that one billion naira idea that makes one move from 'rags to riches'? None!

There was once an English landscape artiste, Alexander Cozen, who tried to find a billion-pound inspiration to his art. In frustration after a long, dry spell with painting, he threw a wet sponge soaked with paint on his drawing and it became a most perfect finish of all.

Today, that fateful trademark is known as blot painting that transforms sloshes of ink into tethering architecture, stormy skies, exaggerated mountains... all a billion dollar industry that began as a minor accident in fatal frustration.

Although, his more 'academic' contemporaries mocked him for his 'child-like' technique, it is difficult to argue with the BEAUTY of his serendipitous art.

Don't spend the rest of your life looking for a billion dollar idea. It is a futile search for something so elusive to the point that it doesn't exist. The very idea you have right now is capable of so much financially and more.

Facebook, currently a space for more than 1 billion users, began as a fresh graduate yearbook project... from the dorm room of boy. Like most profitable businesses today, their prosperity was not in the idea itself but in the CONVICTION of its potential.

I'm afraid there is nothing like a small idea. To say otherwise is to asphyxiate the potential that most ideas have to thrive into mammoth-sized outcomes.

The idea you thought of yesterday... Yes that VERY one... Oh Yes, that SAME one, is your billion naira idea, if you say it is!

Now, if you'll have a billion naira FAITH in that minuscule idea, you can make a mountain of money and more from an unlikely dream.

It's time to throw your ideas like a wet paint sponge on a canvass and create inexplicable beauty.

By: Olulade Ebenezer


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