Tips on how to remain poor

I got this from a friend, and I thought it worthy of sharing with you. I hope someone gets inspired.

The following are eight ways to be poor and stay poor.

• Never wake up early.
Keep stretching and turning in bed until you get too hungry to continue dozing. If there are no bed bugs, why hurry to get up?

• Never plan how to spend your money. Whenever you get money, start spending it right away and when it's finished, you try to count and recall how you spent it.

• Don't think of saving until you have real big money.
How can you save when you earn so little? Those telling you to save are not sympathetic to your burning needs.

• Don't engage in activities usually reserved for the "uneducated".
How can you, a graduate, engage in petty trade, network marketing or home-based production? That's for people who never went to school!

• Don't think of starting a business until an angel comes from heaven and gives you capital.
How do they expect you to invest before you get millions? Even though more than half the businesses in your town were started with little capital, you as a smart person can only start with millions.

• Complain about everything except your own attitude and laziness.
Blame the system, the government and the banks that refused to lend you money. They are all bad and do not want you to get rich.

• Spend more than you earn.
To achieve this, buy consumer products on credit and keep borrowing from friends and employers.

• Compete in dressing.
Make sure you're wearing the latest clothes. Intimidate everyone with your trendy fashions every time especially when you don't have any or enough investment to withstand your excesses or spending.

Do have a wonderful week!

Svelte Bintu Eniola Bolarinwa


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