
Showing posts from December, 2017

The LPI kicks off tomorrow, New Year Day

I had a post on the Love and Positivity Initiative – LPI, last week. I mentioned that I will talk about how one can be a part of this initiative, without contacting me. Like the post last week explained, the LPI is all about creating Positivity Leaders and Positivity Leadership among people. I believe that You can LEAD those who are close to you towards the path of Positivity. You don't have to be a Big or Titled Leader. Everyone is a Leader in Life. Everyone Leads at something! You may have not recognized it, but You are a Leader! That friend of yours, or neighbour of yours who looks up to you, or listens to whatever you say, comes around you frequently, enjoys your company, listens and obeys your advice/opinions, tries to imitate your actions and behaviour towards things or other people... You are Leading them!! You can do better by being a Positive Leader! You can affect those lives close to you positively. You don't need to change everyone or everything in the world to c

Relationship Quotes for this Week

• When you are in a relationship, never go to bed angry. • I love being the reason for your smile. • Never forget to tell her how good she looks every day. Even on the days where she isn’t wearing makeup and her hair isn’t done. • We all deserve someone who loves us even when we are not at our best. • You know you are in a real relationship when your presence and absence both mean something to that person. • Find someone who makes you a better person. • I am a better person because of you. You help me be the best person that I can be and you always encourage me to reach my full potential. • When you are in a real relationship, you never have to pretend to be someone that you’re not. • When you get a little jealous, at least it means that you care enough about that person. • Take my hand and we can get through anything together.

Quotes for this Week

If You are bored with life, if You don’t get up every morning with a burning desire to do things – You don’t have enough goals (Lou Holtz) Always do your best and You will find that You never need to compare yourself to others (Rich Simmonds) If You are insecure, guess what? The rest of the world is too. Do not overestimate the competition and underestimate yourself. You are better than You think (T. Harv Eker) Integrity is the essence of everything Successful (Richard Buckminster) What You believe is what empowers You to become... Don't think the way they think, don't talk the way they talk, so You don't suffer the way they suffer (Bishop David Oyedepo, SHILOH 2016)

Appreciation (End of 2017)

Success in any endeavour, though it's personally motivated, is more efficiently achieved corporately and collectively. Positive Life & Relationship is just over 7 months old, but its influence on lives has been positive and its future influence on lives will be Great! I just want to appreciate those whose contribution(s) has been part of this library. A good number of them may not be aware that they are a part of this library, but today, Positive Life & Relationship appreciates you all. God bless you all for your positivity, for deciding to be a positive force of influence in our society. May your dreams and aspirations be granted, and may you all keep growing and getting better, higher and greater! Amen. ----- To readers of this library, and to those who contribute in spreading positivity by sharing blog posts and telling their friends about this library, God bless you all. Positive Life & Relationship appreciates you all this day, and always. ----- 2018 is the

Give Life To Your Dreams

My heart is so fragile that it breaks at the slightest touch. The greatest legacy we can leave behind should be imprinted in the hearts of those our presence has impacted. Our absence should shatter the hearts of those who love us. Finding peace in this world of constant trouble seems like the greatest miracle. Fear paralyses my entire system every time anxiety knocks on the door. We will be destroyed by what we have refused to do more than whatever mistakes we have made. There is nothing more limiting than a negative mind. Give life to your desires. Bring your dreams to life. That inner yearning in you needs to be unleashed. The love you are looking for is what you should be giving. Everybody is my teacher and it is such an honour to have met such an amazing group of people like you. This is my life and it makes me happy to write daily from the darkest depths of my heart. The universe speaks wisdom to us all the time. Use your time wisely and take those hard choices you have been avo

Appreciate those Persons that Contribute to Your Progress

Sometimes, we overlook many things that we shouldn't. Worse is, we overlook the PEOPLE that we should not and chase shadows. Why is this so? Well, there may be several reasons from perspective, true awareness, empathy, disagreement, anger or plain bad behavior. I want to look at APPRECIATING the right persons in our lives. Recently, I have been practicing GRATITUDE purposefully. Taking time each day to celebrate those in my life. Each day, I send voice notes, texts, calls, chats to convey my love and regard. Why do most of us not do things like this? Why do we wait till a tragedy to pour our love? One, we were not taught how to love, show and communicate same. Two, we just get so use to it and we overlook the people that serve us with their heart. This is a major problem. Here you are, you have a spouse, better half, brother, friend, sister, parents, family member that can ride to the edge with you. You know this is true, yet you have not really shown them how much they

Learning from the Eagle

Let me share this here. Thumbs Up to the Writer. ----- As you look back at the year, and plan towards the coming year; learn from the Eagle. • Eagles fly Alone and at High Altitudes. They don't fly with sparrows, ravens, and other small birds. Meaning – Stay away from narrow-minded people, those that bring you down. An Eagle flies with Eagles. Keep good company. Don't waste time with people who don't contribute positively into your life. • Eagles have an Accurate Vision. They have the ability to focus on something as far as 5 km away. No matter the obstacles, the eagle will not move his focus from the prey until he grabs it. Meaning – Have a vision and remain focused no matter what the obstacles and you will succeed. Learn to spot opportunities around you and take action once you spot one. Only one idea from God will make you money. Facebook owner came up with only one idea - Facebook. Steve Jobs. - Iphone. Bill Gates - Windows Operating System... just one idea fro

We first have Standards; then we can talk Consistency

People who stand for something are those who are consistent in their choices. Consistency helps build Reputation. Consistency helps build Result. Consistency is what we do repeatedly no matter what. The difference between EFFORT and EFFECT is Consistency. We cannot be consistent if we don't stand for something. Every organization is built on the service delivery and experience and this both is a derivative of consistency. Great Organization are those who have standard brand, and those who have standard brand are men and women who are consistent in their dealings. The best of brands have standard! Standard are expected level of quality or performance below which is unacceptable. ~ FD For us to be recognized as someone with standard, we must be able to define an unacceptable level of quality or performance and we must also have an acceptable level of quality or performance. This validates our cognisance as one with a standard. The lower your standard, the less effort peopl

Be Appreciative. Always grab the Positives from Everything

I'm sharing this, to tell You and Myself to always be appreciative and grab the positives from everything. Thumbs Up to the Writer. ----- A famous writer was in his study room. He picked up his pen and started writing: • Last year, I had a surgery and my gallbladder was removed. I had to stay stuck to the bed due to this surgery for a long time. • The same year I reached the age of 60 years and had to give up my favourite job in the Publishing company in which I had spent 30 years of my life. • The same year I experienced the sorrow of the death of my father. • And in the same year my son failed in his medical exams because he had a car accident. He had to stay in bed at hospital with the cast on for several days. The destruction of car was another loss. At the end he wrote: Alas! It was such bad year!! When the writer's wife entered the room, she found her husband looking sad lost in his thoughts. From behind his back she read what was written on the paper, left the ro

Learn to get DEAF to negativity and discouragement

Sometimes in life, deafness is the key that unlocks your sight and mobility! A group of rabbits were once travelling through the jungle when two of them fell into a deep pit. When the other rabbits crowded around the pit and saw how deep it was, they told the two rabbits that there was no hope left for them. However, the two rabbits decided to ignore what the others were saying and they proceeded to try and jump out of the pit. Despite their efforts, the group of rabbits at the top of the pit were still saying that they should just give up. That they would never make it out. Eventually, one of the rabbits took heed to what the others were saying and he gave up, falling down to his death. The other rabbit continued to jump as hard as he could. Again, the crowd of rabbits yelled at him to stop the pain and just die. He jumped even harder and finally made it out. When he got out, the other rabbits celebrated with him, singing and dancing (wickedness of life, right?). The rabbit then

Drop that Book!

Readers are Leader, Ko? Spare me that rhymes! Which book did the first leader read? You think reading will change you? I need to tell you about Pastors who commit rape, Lawyers who take bribes, Graduates that can't write a formal letter, Armies that are afraid of war. I still need to tell you that knowledge does not change people. Decisions does! You can read all of the books on wealth creation and still remain broke if you don't take action. There is a difference between those you read as successful people and you that is seeking to be successful after reading their books. The difference is that, they didn't wait to read a book on Success before they started putting in practice what they know. If however they read a book on Success, the person that wrote that book didn't read any book on Success to be able to write the book. My point is... Why wait for extra knowledge when you've not put into practice what you already know? What's the point loading a tr

Keep fighting till You hit your target

Fight for what you want! Make a decision to fight within for what you desire in order to possess all the good things you deserve in life. Many good things you desire in life are difficult to come by and if you want to have such things, you need to be determined to achieve them regardless of your problems. If you want something in life, you go after it with all your strength and boldness in you. Fight within your mind to make your dream a reality and achieve Success in it no matter how many times you've been rejected or marked a nonentity. Resolve not to give up so easily. Be a diehard when it comes to pursuing your dream and achieving success in it. Winners never quit and quitters never win! It not over until you win. By: Fortune Kendra

You are still standing

He thought he had died. He battled with life beneath the waters. He gasped for breath. The more he tried reaching out for air, the more he lost the strength to fight and slowly he wallowed in the depth of the waters. Just like every other person who is gasping for life and broken with life challenges, People who had fought long enough to make ends meet, men who are battered and have become destitute like the men who came to David. It was evident that men on land also fight to live. He wished he was fighting for life on land. He felt it was better than being engulfed by the waters. He only came with a friend on a small boat to rock the waters and enjoy the fresh air. He had forgotten about His friend after the boat capsized, everyone now fighting for His life. His thoughts are now rhythmical as He was almost leaving His body. Alas, He found himself surrounded by People, "He was still standing". They motioned on Him to relax that everything is under control. He was pulled

Merry Christmas to You

It's the 25th! We celebrate and remember the Birth of Our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Before his Birth, we had lesser hope, we were oppressed, and under the captivity of the devil, because we had little appreciation of ourselves. But His Birth ushered in a new dimension. It opened our eyes to the dominion, authority and control we have over life's challenges, circumstances and over the devil himself. It opened our hearts to the inherent ability and great power that lies deep within us – We can rule over life, sin, challenges... just by our thoughts, beliefs, words which are expressed by our actions. So, as we celebrate this day, let us not forget whom we are and what we are capable of doing. We are stronger beyond our imagination. "Behold, I have given you authority to thread upon serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy; and nothing shall hurt you." (Luke 10:19) Let Love and Positivity fill our thoughts, our hearts, and our actions and may

The Love and Positivity Initiative – LPI

Positive Life & Relationship Presents – The Love & Positivity Initiative (LPI) ---------- Hi Friend. Hope you're doing Great? I believe 2017 has been Great for You? 2018 have to be Greater! ---------- I will briefly share my story – the motivation. When I was born, I had a "perfect" mind. By this, I see the world through the positive light. I always speak and advocate for what's right. I don't need to be trained or taught, it was just in me. It's my personality. Growing up wasn't easy. Aside family challenges, my positive philosophy of life was basically solid though I later discovered that I had a lot to learn, and with my greatest ability – the ability to have an open mind towards life – I was able to get to where I want to be mentally, or let me say, I've gotten to a great extent (learning and improving never stops, you know) There came a period when I had some darkness – my positive philosophy to life started shaking.. Life's dai

Relationship Quotes, this Week

The Quotes today, is credited to Uchenna Ilo. The Quotes: • If you still feel lonely and unhappy when you're alone, that means you still have some more self-loving to do. • Don't be afraid of losing people. Be afraid of losing yourself trying to please people who may not even want the best for you. • Many misunderstandings arise because we think we know what is in somebody's mind. • The secret wisdom of attraction is learning how to be attached and non-attached at the same time. • Don't judge someone by how they look, what they do, where you met them, what they have, and/or where they are in life at present. If you really want to know someone, find out about their past, where they are coming from, what they have been through, why they are where they are now, and what dreams they have for their future. You would be surprised that inside someone who looks 'dirty', could be the diamond you have been searching for all your life. • I need your love not your ju

WORD Quotes for this Week

The WORD Quotes today, is credited to Benjamin Obomanu. The Quotes: • I am first a Follower and Believer of Jesus Christ before any doctrine or denomination... Let that sink in deep! • Being Spiritual is not an excuse for You to suspend your Brain. • God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him. • In the end, it's not the Church or the Pastor. It's about your personal encounter with Jesus. • For His Glory, He uses everything that's happened, that's happening and that will happen – Past, Present, and Future. • The Word of God is more powerful when put into action, than when only spoken. Benjamin Obomanu

Quotes for this Week

The Quotes today, is credited to David Akinwale. The Quotes: • CONSISTENCY is what separates winners from Champions. • Consistency gives birth to Productivity. Be Strategic! • Never stop learning. Intentionally increase your knowledge daily. Through consistency and commitment, you see yourself out-performing others in words and wisdom. • Focus on Your Strength now. Do it diligently and one day it will speak. Give no room for discouragement. • Don't feel like a loser when you fight for a cause and fail. The real losers are those who have no cause to fight for, no dream to live for. History tells of people who died in pursuit of a dream but at least they had something to live for. Don't join the multitudes of people who simply live for themselves. Live for a purpose! David Akinwale

What a Real Woman desires?

It's funny – once a young man has money, affluence or fame, he begins to think every woman is after his wealth, or popularity. He begins to see himself as a real man because he has money and can pay bride price and 'put a woman in the house' without batting an eye or breaking the bank.. A Real Woman is not after a Man's money. No, she knows she can make hers. She knows she needs him to have his too. But beyond wealth, a Real Woman desires – • Emotional security from her Man She wants to know she can be herself (completely naked) emotionally before him and not be mocked for it or rebuked. She wants to know he will fight to put and keep a smile on her face, to make her happy, do all he can to defend her emotions every day of their lives together. A woman's emotions is her greatest vulnerability. It's what makes them different from Men, and a man who cannot understand this aspect and show capacity to handle her in that regards needs to learn. Some men cannot ev

Be Ready before You Commit

Many people are in relationships, pairing with someone for different reasons, quite obviously and commonly is that "some" people do for their own sexual gratification. Some do for the attention they can get; perhaps, their supposed pair is someone with class or high social background. Some do too for recognition. Some do for some bucks. While a whole lot of others who are not in these other categories are probably because they are bored and tired of being alone. Relationship(s) is not all about a game of give and take, it is so much than that. By far, it is much more than commitment so just before you start getting over your head about one, make sure you are truly ready to be in one. A mind that is unstable, a heart that have not had a good time to heal properly is bound to stumble or get stuck in a rebound relationship. By that "Rebound", I mean, finding someone to fill the space for the moment to avoid being alone and not because you really do care, "well m

Loving With Your Senses Intact

Discovering yourself is the first place to start . Discovering how you are wired by God for a specific assignment is key to deciding who you marry. Your vision, your values as a person should be a guide to your choice. You have to marry with your senses intact. Marry without confusion in your head wondering if the relationship will work or not. Do not gamble with your destiny. Do not use your life as an experiment in the laboratory of any purposeless relationship. What is good is worth waiting for. ( Excerpts   from   Favour   Osiri-Wisdom's   new book – HOW NOT TO MARRY AN  I.D.I.O.T .) By: Ekwe Chijioke

Love Should Not Blind You

Blindness is lacking all consciousness or awareness. Inability to perceive and lacking the sense of sight. Marriage is beautiful if You marry right! The person you decide to marry is a reflection of your wisdom and deep knowledge at the time you married the person. You need to be alert when it comes to any type of relationship including Marriage. Prov 13:20 – He that walks with the wise shall become wise but a companion of fools shall be destroyed. So He that goes beyond just walking with the wise to marry the wise, communes, interacts, walks and negotiate and starts a family with the wise is really wise. Now how about he who decides not to only stay in the companion of a foolish person but moves to the level of marriage? It is a serious issue! Your relationship will determine the experiences of your life including marital relationship. ( Excerpts from Favour Osiri-Wisdom's new book – HOW NOT TO MARRY AN I.D.I.O.T.) By: Ekwe Chijioke

Organizational Leadership

A few days ago, I found myself in a work space where I had to negotiate for a deal with an organization. I was welcomed warmly. As I walked down to the appointed office, I was concerned by the facial expression of one of the employees as we moved in opposite directions. He muttered words in complaint with face bowed to the ground as He had received a portion of the managers venom for not meeting up with the required task. He pronounced a few challenges before him to another coworker as they moved to resume duty. He muttered the sleepless nights his family has faced because of their sick child and how this has drained his finances. The manager at his end was still expressing his displeasure until he got a sight of me. I was immediately seated with Him and we chatted for about 5 minutes before we commenced the business of the day. We talked about family, business and government. Though I was surprised at the immediate change of mood. Alas; I am the ideal client; "the one who m

You do not need to invite the Holy Spirit

I and a friend discussed about this today, and he disagreed wholly, until I showed him the Word. I once used to pray like this whenever we were to go into an 'anointing service.' “We invite the Holy Spirit into this place.” “The Holy Spirit really showed up this morning!” If you have been a Christian for any amount of time, you have no doubt heard these expressions. In fact, you have probably said at least one of them yourself. I know I have! Many believers today often open up church services or worship meetings with prayers like “come, Holy Spirit!” Yet I suspect these prayers may not need to be prayed. Indeed, they may actually cause more harm than good. Allow me to explain. As a Christian, I believe that any person who puts their faith (active trust) in Jesus is given the Holy Spirit. He is described in the Bible as a “seal” we have been given (2 Corinthians 1:22), and as a promised gift from God (Acts 2:38, Acts 10:45). Throughout the New Testament, ever after God

The Best Way to really Prepare for the Future is to live Today Well

David didn't know he was going to be the king of Israel until Samuel showed up and anointed him. Nobody drummed it into his ears to discover or find his purpose. He simply loved and lived for God, obeying and serving Jesse his father and polishing his skills – playing the harp and slinging. Today, we call these things skills, but I don't think David saw them like that. He probably learnt how to sling stones as a way of protecting his sheep from the lions and the bears. He played the harp as a way of entertaining himself and his fellow shepherds while they were at the bush. He wasn't doing any of these for the palace because he didn't know he would ever be there, but he did them well. He simply made the most of his situations. He didn't let the anticipation of what tomorrow could bring deny him the joy and glory of really living today. Yet, God had His eyes on him and when the right time came, He, God, began to move men and materials in his favor. So, I'll enjo

You can make Grace work for You

When I see something working anywhere, I just know it is Grace at work. When I see someone doing effortlessly what I still struggle with, I just know it is by Grace. When where they are is a place I still aspire to be, I need no soothsayer to tell me they are Graced. So, I keep a tab on them – I watch how they do their things, I watch how they order their lives, I watch how they spend their time, I observe what they spend their money on, I watch their association, I observe what they say, then, I begin to practice these things. Something tells me that if I do the things that they do, and practice the things I have observed in them, the Grace that works for them at that level and measure I desire, will work for me, too. I want to 'tap' into that Grace... By: Bimbola Tayo-Bamidele

Focus on Yours and Use it Well, and You will be Given More

It happens almost everyday. And every time it happens, I just glean the lessons afresh. God has blessed us with two sons. One eats so much that it sometimes takes sleep to prevent his mouth from working and his lips from moving. The other has to be chased with food - he is rarely self-motivated when it comes to eating. Most times, after one has had like three servings, the other is still battling with one and of course, the reality of his asking for more does not happen every day. But the more the eater eats, the more he is given more to eat. And while sometimes, I feel like giving the noneater more, I just know he can't handle more. ----- The five talented man only had more given to him because he used the first round given to him. The two talented man was given more only because he used the first round given to him. The reason the one talented man was not given more to use was because the one given to him was not used. Giving him more would not motivate him to use it, but

We have to APPLY the Acquired Knowledge

Knowledge is obviously not the problem of our generation. Knowledge has greatly increased in our days, and keeps increasing by the day. I listen to people and I am amazed at how much they know. Knowledge about the things of God, especially, knows no bound. What then is our challenge? Application is. We are so busy acquiring, accumulating and dispensing knowledge that we do not have time left for application. Oh, my generation knows so much. But how much of what we know do we put to personal use? How much have we allowed all that we know to affect who we are and who we become? I am especially amazed when I see the way we dissect the Scriptures, and relate it to history, and give the original meanings of the words therein in their Greek translations and others. We talk about how the three Hebrews defied the king's orders and stood by their convictions to the point of being thrown into the fiery furnace. We talk about their faith and how God showed up on their behalf. We talk

We Express Christ, We cannot Imitate Him

The gospel is the expression of Christ and not an imitation of Christ. We're to express Jesus, not to imitate Jesus! When you imitate something, you're trying to be that thing, that's frustration and leads to hypocrisy. On the other hand, when you relax or rest in WHOM Jesus had made you without argument, you begin to express or manifest Him. The point is: we're Christ, not like Christ! Those who disagree with this truth and are always trying to be like Christ are imitators. If you watch closer, you'll find out they're awesome hypocrites. Desist from the ''Christ-like'' statement and believe you're Christ! We're not in agitation to become Jesus or like Him, we are Him! The apostles in the scriptures were manifesting Christ and expressing His life because they knew they were Christs'. The teaching that we have to be ''like Christ'' produces imitators of Christ (hypocrites), instead of the reality of Christ. The bes

You are part of God's Dream Team

One will say: "I’m called to full time ministry." Another will say: "I'm called to part-time ministry." There is no full time or half time or quarter time ministry! Every Christian is called to do ministry! Every child of God is given a unique assignment! Everyone gets to play not just the Super Apostles, Spooky Prophets and the Cool Pastors. Every Christian gets to hear from God, heal the sick, drive out demons, work miracles in the Name of Jesus and in the Power of the Holy Spirit. Everyone gets to play in the expansion of God’s Kingdom. Don’t settle for anything else. Get out of the devil’s clutches, and walk as Sons and Daughters of the Most High God! Mighty stuffs will happen when we walk as the Body of Christ and not as Individual parts. Don’t settle for normal. You are part of God’s DREAM TEAM that is going to turn the world upside down. You have been called. You have a unique call. Go for it. Let’s work together and expand God’s Kingdom! #Ola

We are Members of One Body, NOT Independent Cells

Beloved, Christianity isn't a personal race as we are made to believe. It is rather a collective race with personal responsibilities. We are not the Cell of Christ but the Body of Christ. We must realize that whatever affects one part, affects the whole body. We must understand that all these talks such as "Leave everyone to their own beliefs. Let whatever you belief work for you. If I tithe, is it your business?" etcetera, are all revelations of a lack of synergy in the Faith. The Lord Jesus would have us grow up into him in all things. He would have his Church walk in Holy rhythmicity. He would have us understand that we are one united force before whom the World is to tremble. This individualistic mindset is actually folly and it's a huge debit on our eternal inheritance. We must begin to see ourselves, not as separate entities with placentas tied to the womb of the "Pauls and Apollos" of our times, but as one Holy body, under the command of one Lord