Breakthrough never happens someday, it happens everyday

"So many of us overestimate what we can achieve in a year while we underestimate what we can achieve in a decade or two" – (Anthony Robbins)

Some years ago, when Anthony Robbins was starting out, he was working 10 to 12 hours a day, 7 days a week and there was no progress.
He was grinding but the bills were pilling up and nothing was just moving forward.
He said, "I felt so bad because I was helping people to get better, but my own life wasn't any better".
Can you relate to that? I bet as an entrepreneur, you will.
If you are even in the business of helping people, you will understand it better.

Then he went to his mentor, Jim Rohn, and told him his problems. After listening to him, Jim said; "Tony, your problem is that you are too focused on expecting things to happen so fast. If you rather focus your energy on building your skills, they will make a way for you".

And that changed everything for him and the rest they say is history.

Breakthrough never happens someday, it happens everyday. How you understand and handle the process will determine if you will ever see it. You are just ONE SKILL away from your miracle. This is why you should keep learning because you don't know the book, event, meeting or post that will change everything for you.

Learn leverage skills
Learn relationship skills
Learn money management skills
Learn selling skills
Learn and keep learning all the skills you need to move to the next level.

Because the next level will surely come if you keep improving, growing and going.
No one ever got to the next level without moving forward. So keep going but be patient and honour the process.
Don't forget, you are not where you used to be 10 years ago. If you keep getting better while going, you will be in a different place 10 years from now.

Share this post to give someone hope to keep going.

By: Alex Iheanacho


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