Food - Feed Well
Focus on what you eat, for you are framed by that which you ingest. What do you feed your mind on? What do you give a better part of your TIME?
Man is programmed to become that which he is exposed to. How does a man who loves His wife so much turn out to be "a wife beater". How does a great personality with good leadership trait takes over a political office in Nigeria, become perverse? How does a great personality with a great vision struggle with masturbation?
We have given more attention to the physical food we eat, and neglected what we feed our minds on. We have exposed our children to every kind of information from the social media, while we ensured that they stick to their food menu.
You are a reflection of the quality of information at your disposal. FEED WELL. Everything matters. BODY, SOUL AND SPIRIT. MAKE IT 100%
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