Principle versus Formula

Productivity is better than Activity and Principle is better than formula.

Principles will birth productivity whereas Formulas will only produce activity.
For example, It is possible to sleep four hours a day and achieve significantly less than someone who sleeps eight hours a day, while claiming anybody that sleeps above four hours is lazy. When it comes to success, there might be principles but not formulas (I mean mindless copying). Some people just copy too much, not seeing that a lot of factors are involved.

The most important thing is to learn the principles and tailor it to your unique situation. Make your work time count.

I remember students back in school who claimed to be reading all night (and they were) but had little or nothing to show in their result and there were others who never went through that stress and made straight A's.

It is good to look out for working formulas but it's more important to know what works for you and so you can manipulate the formulas to suit your success.

In life, productivity is what counts. Beware of "so and so person did this, I must do it the same way". It may not work that way for you. When your way works, it will be a new formula.

Instead of looking for formulas for prayer, fasting, giving, business, etcetera; go for principles!
Don't copy hook, line and sinker. That may be what is hindering you.

Charles Oghenevwakpome


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