There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so

No condition in life is good or bad – it's all in your thinking!

There was an old man who had gone to his farm for many years riding on his tamed and trained horse. One day, his horse ran away. On hearing the news, his neighbours came to commiserate with him. “What bad luck”, they said.
“May be and may be not”, the farmer replied.
The next morning, the horse returned, however, with three other horses (but untamed and thus wild). “How wonderful!”, the neighbours exclaimed.
“May be and may be not”, replied the old farmer once again.
The following day, his only son tried to ride one of the untamed horses. He was thrown off, and broke his leg. The neighbours again came and exclaimed, "how unfortunate!".
“May be and may be not”, answered the old farmer again.
The day after, military officials came to the village to draft young men into the army for the world war II. Seeing that the son’s leg was broken, they passed him by. “How lucky you are that they spared your son!”, the neighbours exclaimed again.
“May be and may be not”, said the old farmer again.

As William Shakespeare put it in Hamlet, "There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so."
This new week, know that life experiences that shut down your motivation or drive for success is more about how you see them and less about the situations. The little amount you tag as being broke is what someone else tags as a business capital. Example, Bubez pap started on just #200 five years ago and its worth millions of dollars today.
The height challenge (or any physical challenge) you tag a disadvantage is what Aki and Pawpaw (popular Nollywood actors) are using to their advantage.
“When we learn to change the way we look at things, the things we look at change.” – Dr Wayne Dyer.
Your life follows what you see!
It's a happening new week and it's (your desire) happening for you if only you can see it.
You are unstoppable!

By: Deji Osasona


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