Important things to discover/find out about your Partner during Courtship

You see that comment "Love is blind"? It is a statement often quoted out of context. Love is not blind. It is those in love who choose to be blind.
If you love blindly, well, trust marriage, it will open ya eyes for you.
Amos 3:3 says "can two work together except they be agreed?" and two cannot be agreed except they have discussed and interacted about the terms and condition of their staying/working together.

Courtship is the foundation laying time, and remember if the foundation be faulty or destroyed, what can the righteous do? During courtship, it's important you discover as much as you can about your partner. You can't discover everything, yes, but then, don't play dumb. Don't pretend and play the "nothing can separate us, we are in love" card. Yes, love is great, but love is not enough on its own to sustain a marriage and make it a blissful one. The more you guys share in common, the more things you admire and like/love about them and the more things you know about them, the better your chances of a great marriage.

Important things to discover/find out about your partner during Courtship:

• Their Eating habit.
Yes oh, some people can perform wonders on the dining table. Once heard of a man who eats chicken feathers with the meat, some people have cravings for sand, dust, while some eat human hair, yup! Some like me don't like Semo.

• Their spending/saving habit.
There are spenders who never save, and there are savers who never spend, and there is a middle ground. You grab?

• Their Attitude to God and to other people.
* Are they atheists or theists?; Do they believe in God or in Amadioha?;
* Church, sunday sunday Christians or?
* People, are they social or antisocial?
* Authority, do they submit or rebel?
* Subordinates, are they bullies or oppressors, or they are humble and kind to all?
* Family life, are they the stay at home, love your kids and spouse type or come home late spend more time outside type?
* Children, * Money, * Being Corrected/taking corrections, do they love to be corrected and take corrections or don't take corrections,
* Giving, are they stingy or givers.?
* Having fun (yes oh, some people are sadists laidis, others are generals at home, no smiles, all frowns, somebody can not play with them oh, that is how they used to do)

• Their family, it's history, culture, customs.
This is quite important. Do they kneel to greet elders? How do their men treat their wives? How do their wives treat their husbands? How do they treat in-laws? Do they have a family problem you should know of?

• Their temperament, their dispositions.
Are they extroverts or introverts? If you like talking and gisting, then an introvert husband may not be the man for you.
Are they optimists or pessimists?
Are they organized, or scattered? Neat or not? A man who loves a neat home will have a frustrating marriage if he marries a dirty woman and vice versa.

• Their aspirations, their vision and goals for life.
Where there is no vision, the people do what? whatever you do, don't marry a person who has no vision and goals in life, or else your vision and goals will be the casualty.
What are their goals, are they thinking local, national or international, can they carry your own goals and visions or will they kill it?

• Their Character.
Honest, Hardworking, Hospitable, Kind, Nice, Understanding, Patient, Supportive, Forgiving, Humble, Submissive, Respectful, Friendly, Lively, etcetera.
dishonest, lazy, wicked, unforgiving, unfriendly, dull, rebellious, stubborn, proud, disrespectful, easily angered, stingy, selfish, etcetera.

In summary, size up their -
Spiritual, Social, Financial, Mental, Physical and Marital capacity, kinetic and potential...

Marry someone that you love and respect, and who loves you and respects you as well, and who with you, Loves and Respects God.

You have enough information available at your disposal, both online and offline - books, messages, podcasts, tapes - to help you choose well and marry well.

By: Musa Gift (MG)


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