Donate to my ministry and receive the Anointing in return (Rubbish!)

The idea that an anointing from God can be IMPARTED from one person to another is NOT in the Bible.
But if I can convince you that I have an anointing that you need, well, that pretty much makes you dependent upon me, doesn’t it? I have actually heard this idea of the imparted anointing, or partnership in anointing, preached many times.

Marilyn Hickey, a highly visible Word/Faith teacher, and someone I would definitely brand a false teacher, openly promises that if you send her money, that "you will tap into the anointing God has put upon her ministry."
Below is a cut and paste directly from her website at


"You can
in 2006!
Do you want to rest assured that God will answer your prayers?
Do you want to trust HIM to make a way out of even the most difficult circumstances?
What you're looking for may be found in two powerful words...
M i n i s t r y
P a r t n e r s h i p
As a partner, you activate a powerful SPIRITUAL PRINCIPLE in your life: the same power of God that is available to that ministry becomes available to YOU! You can literally share in the same anointing!
In Philippians 1, Paul explained how his partners "shared in the anointing" on his ministry. That's how partnership works. You supernaturally share in every reward and blessing that rests on that ministry. As you make good things happen for others through ministry partnership, God will make good things happen for you!
We want to pass along to YOU the anointing that rests on this ministry! I invite you to take advantage of the limitless possibilities of partnership... by becoming our Faith Covenant Partner.
There's a specific PROMISE we are claiming in 2006 and it's especially applicable for our PARTNERS. It's a promise from Psalms 20:06, which says"The Lord saves His anointed... and answers from His Holy Heaven..." That's what we are claiming...that God crowns YOUR year with GOODNESS AND ABUNDANCE!
During a powerful prayer time with Oral Roberts, we laid hands on and released our faith for God to place a miracle partner anointing upon some special anointing oil.
We've prepared the oil for you to carry in a beautiful, gold-colored locket... allowing you to bring a miracle partner anointing to everyone and everything you touch.
If you are ready for a greater anointing and more answers to prayer in 2006... prayerfully consider becoming our Ministry Partner today!"


Please, read the above again.
Not only is the promise to, "share the anointing," total heresy, but maybe we ought to ask the question: "What anointing do you want to share in?"
The anointing of error?

My point is this: God does not promise to impart us with special blessings and a special anointing because we are donating to any ministry.
But we have better be glad He does NOT. For if that were true, the principle would have to work both ways – donate to a ministry preaching error and you partake of THAT anointing!

I have not reproduced the above because I merely want to destructively criticize Marilyn Hickey. No. Neither have I done this to suggest that everyone on television is as guilty. Nor is it necessarily a bad thing to have a big ministry or a mega church. I have cut and paste this appalling web page from Marilyn Hickey’s website because it is so representative of what is going on today, especially on Christian television.
The tragedy is, what Marilyn Hickey is doing does WORK – that is, it does work for HER.
Christians are donating vast amounts of money to these ministries, often in response to these promises of anointing.

But it is here that we find the real reason WHY such ministries are so, "blessed." It is not because they have an "anointing" of God given them. No. It is because they have the money of Christians given them! They promise you and I things from God if we send them money. And we fall for it. Incredible. They say, "Give me money and God will bless you." And the proof they offer for God’s blessing is the very money you have given them! This works better than some pyramid schemes.

So what is the answer? Can we tap into an anointing of God by giving money to a ministry? Can we partner our way into God’s blessings? To partake of the anointing of God, must we join a movement, partner with a ministry, or hop on a religious bandwagon? Thank God, No.

Now, let me preach:
There is only ONE movement of God. There is likewise only ONE anointing. And you don’t have to, "partner with a ministry," to receive it. That ONE movement and ONE anointing isn’t a THING or an IT. It is really a PERSON: Jesus Christ.
The name, "Christ," means, "anointed one." Thus, if Christ is in you – through the Holy Spirit -- you already have THE Anointing – because you are indwelt by THE ANOINTED ONE -- who is a Person!
This is easy to prove from scripture:
"These things have I written unto you concerning them that seduce you. But the anointing which you have received of him abides in you, and you need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teaches you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, you shall abide in him." (1 John 2:26-27).

John is not unclear about, "the anointing." He states directly that it is certain that if Christ is in you that you have THE ANOINTING. There is not the slightest suggestion here that you lack what you need. You do not need to partner with him, or any other ministry, to GET the anointing, or to get MORE of what you already have. Indeed, John is warning us against this VERY SUGGESTION. He says, "I have written unto you concerning them that seduce you."

One of the oft-repeated errors of the Christian church for the last two thousand years is the suggestion that the individual believer is NOT complete in Christ. Again and again, false teaching has arisen telling us that we are INCOMPLETE unless we join a church, partner with a movement, follow a certain leader, practice certain rules, or come under a certain authority. Today is no different. In short, the teaching is: "WE have what you need, and the only way you can receive it from US is by giving US money, coming under OUR authority, joining OUR ministry, or by dancing to the tune WE play." This is heresy and an abomination in the eyes of God.
Any Christian teacher who has been called by God, and who has come under the teaching of the Holy Spirit is certainly going to tell you what you need. But no teacher who is of God is going to make himself or herself the SOURCE of what you need! They are going to point to Jesus Christ as the source. And if the Christian church would come to see the value of such teaching, they would stop supporting these self-serving ministries, and begin supporting ministries that point people to Jesus Christ for everything.

The Anointing we already have through Christ is the ONE and ONLY that will break the yoke, and teach us all things.
It is the height of arrogance and deception to suggest that Christian people do not already have this anointing IN THEM – but that they need to partner with my ministry to get it.
Read again what I pasted from Marilyn Hickey's website. The promises she gives are huge – but you cannot have them unless you partner with her. Where is this possibility ever suggested in the Bible – with regards to ANY ministry?

Now hear me, I'm not saying donating to ministries is wrong. In fact, I love it. And I always do, too. But never be lured to believing that you would ONLY be ANOINTED and BLESSED if you donate to them. And that you wouldn't, if you don't!
That's witchcraft!
Remain blessed.

By: Akande M. Olatunji


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