The Holy Spirit is in You

I joined an international group in my third year in school and two years after, I humbly became a President of my school's chapter. It's an awesome organization to lead but I've always remained thoughtful about the anthem we always sing at the end of each meeting. It goes like this:
"Healing to the body; Salvation to the soul of man." Unfortunately, there's no mention of the Spirit next to salvation in the whole of the song.

As I studied more, I became acquainted with the fact that the Spirit is the "real" man. God is a spirit and if we are created in his image, we are truly "spirits". It is the seat of God consciousness. It houses our fundamental need to worship – an inner knowledge of God. It is our "nature." It is where we get saved. The Holy spirit bears witness with our spirit about our salvation.
Our soul is a pot bearing a cocktail of our desires, longings, passions and feelings. Through it, we feel angry, happy or motivated there. Our decisions and emotions co-habit in our souls. It is the seat of our appetites. The word "soul" is often used to mean "living being". For example, " The soul (living being) that sinneth, it shall die." The fact that the soul is just as alive as the spirit of man means it is quite part of man. Our mind is right in our soul and we are to "renew" it to the realities that God has provided in our Spirit man.

Our bodies sense our physical environment. It is by it we sense warmth or cold, sweet or bitter. It is what Paul calls our tabernacle which shall be put off for an incorruptible one at our "final" salvation – the redemption of our bodies.
With these, we can better explain 1 Corinthians 6.
19 What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is IN YOU, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?

The Holy Spirit is in YOU (your spirit). This is housed (templed) by your body. So, the Holy Spirit is not in your brain, fingernails or toes. It is in your Spirit, in you. But your spirit, has a body; your body.
When you receive Jesus, you won't see a body change. No shiny hair or taller limbs. No wider eyes or longer necks. By faith, He is in you. Don't look for physical signs just as you get saved. It means you think salvation happens in your body. Wrong! Don't look for moral signs immediately you get saved. It means salvation is in your mind. Wrong! Look for it in your Spirit. It is there by FAITH.
I BELIEVE, I'm saved. Do you?

By: Olulade Ebenezer


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