Just Stop It! New Year Resolutions?

New year resolutions?
Who does that?

One of the greatest but deluding expression of faith is the belief that new year brings in itself newness or some sort of new life.

Every year, a little above 90% of people make new year resolutions, they make plans and promises to themselves, believing that there is some kind of divine force that is available each new year that enables you become something better. That's a lie.

Nothing will change unless you change. Until you begin to respond differently to your experiences, environment and life, your outcomes won't change. And this does not matter whether it is the middle of the year or first of January. It doesn't make any difference if you're in United States or you're in Africa. Your responses must change for your outcomes and results to change.

Why do people wait till January first to turn a new leaf?
What stops you from making the change today?
The truth is, if you know about a better way of life right now, and you are waiting till January first, you will still in January, push it further to some other time.

Don't be carried away by the norm. Society has a way of sustaining failed systems and mediocrity. Don't join the pack.

New year resolution don't work. And if it does, it is practically an expression of hypocrisy because you knew what's right to do long ago.

The question is,
Why should you allow a baby fall into hot water, and decide to watch him until the water colds down?
What if the baby dies?

Your life is like that baby... Don't wait for a particular time to do what's best for you. Do what's best for you, once you know what's best for you!

Your Fulfilment is my Priority...

By: Dunamis Shiloh


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