Who do You say You are?

One day Jesus Christ asked his disciples a question:

"Whom do Men say that I am?" and after He listened to their replies. He asked them again, "BUT who do you say I am?" (KJV)

I like the way NIV puts it, it says;

"BUT WHAT ABOUT YOU, who do you say I am?"


People of God, it doesn't matter what people are saying about you, about your past or future, about what you can or cannot do; they are entitled to their opinions. What matters, the crux of the matter is: "What do you say about yourself"..

They will say all manner of things. People will always talk. They will say that you don't deserve the life you want, that you are black, that you are fat, that you are ugly, that you are poor, that you have no connection, that you are a woman, that you can't get it done, that you are dull, that you didn't go to college, a nobody, or as they tell me, that you are single...

Having heard all they have said about you, what do you say?

Success starts first with an incurable unwavering belief in self..

King Saul told David he couldn't bring down Goliath.. David said I CAN.

Almost everyone taught Mohammed Ali would loose to George Foreman, his reply was epic.

"This kid's gonna be the best kid in the world. I know you got him, I know you've got him picked, but the man's in trouble. Imma show you how great I am.”.... Yup, that was Mohammed Ali all right...


By: Musa Gift (MG)


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