You only have to Get Up and Go Up

The only positive thing about hitting rock bottom in life, is that when You are at that point, You have got no where else to go except to get Up and go Up.

Absorb whatever life throws at you, and if you fall to the ground, and you loss all you had, get up and start afresh.
The task might seem daunting at first, you might want to give up, please don't.

Don't reminisce the good old days if it makes you blue, don't indulge in self pity, remember you are not the first to be in this situation and you won't be the last. Pray consistently to God Jehovah for strength. Learn to live one day at a time. Remember yesterday is history, today is yours and tomorrow isn't yours to worry about. Remember your time will come. Just be careful, spend less, pray more, give more and be patient. Trust in God.

By: Ukeme Mandy (Mandy U. Ezekiel)


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