Only remembered when Your help is required?

Ade (not real name) used to be very upset that people only remembered him whenever they needed help with something within his power.

One day, I told him a story and I want to tell it to you, too. It is the story of David. David was that shepherd boy that nobody remembered; including his own father. At a very crucial time when a king needed to be chosen from his family and the kingmaker, Prophet Samuel, asked for Jesse’s sons to be brought before him, it took the Prophet asking if there was no one missing, before Jesse remembered there was still one left (1 Samuel 16:11).

David was often forgotten like that. He was only remembered at that instance and at another instance when his brothers were at the battlefield and he was needed to go give them food. Nobody remembered him except when they needed him.

However, that same David was the one ‘everyone’ later left the city to go be with inside a cave, after he had slained the national enemy and become a national hero (1 Samuel 22:1).
That same David that everyone forgot.

If people only seek you when they need help, understand that it is because you are relevant, you are important, you are a solution, you are an asset and you are someone to be reckoned with. Count it all joy and consider it a great privilege. Thank God for the opportunity and ask Him to bless you with people who will attend to your needs, too; people who will seek your good; people who will do you well even without you asking them; people who will see to your welfare and take your needs as theirs; people who will ask you sincerely and mean it, "Please, how can I be a blessing to you?"

May the Lord bless you with such people.
In the meantime, remain sought after. Remain relevant. Remain a solution. Remain an asset. Remain a force to be reckoned with and continually count it all joy; blessing God for the privilege.

By: Bimbola Tayo-Bamidele


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