The need for marriage between the Physical, Spiritual and Mental

Free from what fought me mentally... I love this line by Kierra Sheard.

Some of the battles we fight are not spiritual but mental. Even the devil knows that he has no access to your Spirit courtesy of salvation but still compensates himself in the mental realm.
For one to operate fully at creations installed capacity, there is need for a marriage between the physical, spiritual and mental part of being. Knowing this, the devil is happy in causing a distortion in the flow and blending of these impulses.

The greatest form of deliverance is not casting out a demon from a man, but loading him with knowledge. And you shall know the truth and it will make you free.

I stand in my office and I decree freedom from every mental oppression, every force that prevents you from thinking at installed capacity, that prevents you from utilizing your mind to continue the process of creation, I command them to stop their activities in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

By: Raphael Donanu


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