Quotes for this Week

The Quotes today is credited to a Facebook friend of mine, Dumbor Joseph Nafo.

The Quotes:

• For you to achieve anything in this life, you have to put up a fight. You have to fight for it. If you don't put up a fight, you can't achieve anything.

• Don't be in the habit of discouraging people in every occasion. Encourage them. Your encouragement will spur them.

• In life, there is always a CHOICE. It is either you say YES or NO, or you YIELD or RESIST. Don't ever say You don't have a choice.

• Even if everyone is doing it, WRONG is never RIGHT.

• In everything you do in this life, don't be a HATER!

• I refuse to go back to the old me. I am becoming a better person using my past experience as lessons.

Dumbor Joseph Nafo


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