Our Arrival time will differ, but the Destination remains Sure

Often times, we are pressured to catch up with latest trends. We see the seeming progress of others and we say in our hearts "Oh my God, I am so backwards." We tend to forget that we all have our timing; that we have our individual season of celebration. It is true that we can create the future we desire. But even if we all apply relevant principles required for us to get to that desired future, the truth remains that our arrival time will still differ.

When there was a call for all animals to come in their pairs into Noah's Ark, the dog, cat, tiger, lion, ostrich and every other animals got to the ark. The fast paced animals definitely must have arrived before the others. BUT THE ARK WASN'T CLOSED BY GOD... Until, the millipedes, centipedes, snails and other crawling animals got there.

In our quest for Success and a better life, so many will say EUREKA in the morning - If you are a single female reading this post, and you are above 27 years, you probably can remember some of your friends who got got married between the age of 18 and 22 years.
In this same journey to success, others will JUBILATE in the afternoon, but that will not stop others from CELEBRATING at night.

Are you being pressured by family, friends, and folks around?
Are you the one pressuring yourself so much because of the plans you have laid that seem to be far from reach?
This is a reminder to you, that 'while you do your best at reaching your destination, you shouldn't lose hold of your faith.'

Don't give up on yourself too quickly. When you fail, get up! Plan again! Re-stratagize! Seek for better counsel!

But no matter what you do, make sure you don't terminate your progress.

Your testimony is NEAR!
Others may have gotten married, some others built houses, others have admission, some others secured nice Job etcetera., but remember that:
God did not close the ark until the millipede, snails and others got to the ark. So, if you believe, the page of your life will not be closed and your days will not be cut short until you reach your life purpose.
Cheer Up!

I see you becoming the best God has purposed for you to be.


By: TJ William


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