Think Big by Ben Carson (with Cecil Murphey)

This is a great inspiring book. I'm sure it must be a familiar one, especially since it's written by the well known neurosurgeon and politician (He's the current United States Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, under the Trump Administration), Benjamin Solomon Carson Sr.

I read this book about four years ago. I'll share some few lessons I learnt from the book.

• People aren't innately wrong-minded. Most times, general mental attitude is as a result of one's environment and what one opens up the mind to learn and believe. They need some reconditioning and reeducation.

• Almost everyone makes mistakes in life. One important key is being "honest" with our mistakes. By being honest, we don't cover them up, but rather learn from them and allow others to learn from the mistakes as well.

• No one can stop or block anyone from achieving what he or she wants to achieve or being what he or she wants to be. One can't blame any other person or factor for his or her failure(s). Once one sets his (or her) mind on achieving something, nothing outside that person can stop it!

Talent; Honest; Insight; Nice; Knowledge; Books; In-depth knowledge/learning; God.

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