It is all in You! It is all about You!

Some days ago, I listened with rapt attention to a man of God on radio and he said that all the pastors that fly in private jets while they still have poor members among their congregation, are going to hell.
Immediately I dropped my cup of coffee and searched for his name and net worth on google and the response I got was “No results found”. Instantaneously, I tuned off my radio.
Some so called “Men of God” seriously need some mental and apostolic reorientation. We need to understand that it is not a fundamental responsibility of the pastor to make the congregation rich. Getting out of poverty has to do with individuals' mental capability to comprehend the concept of wealth. If one is not rich in his mind, they can never be rich in their bank accounts. It has to be a conscious and deliberate effort made to transcend beyond the horizon of poverty.

Lazarus in the bible even though he went to heaven, didn't fulfil the grace that abounds in the threshold of the windows of heaven. He is a typical antithesis of what a christian should be like. The bible says “And Lazarus DESIRED to eat of the crumbs from the rich man's plate”. Take note of the key word DESIRED.
That was the level of his mental capacity. He was poor in mind, therefore he would never become rich. That is not the life that God has called us to live. The bible says “I wish ABOVE ALL THINGS that you prosper (materially) even as your soul prospers (spiritually).
Lazarus got exactly what he desired because God said: "The expectation of the righteous shall not be cut short"; meaning you can only be blessed “as far as your eyes can see”. You can never be richer than your perspectivism of wealth. No more, no less!

We should understand that being a Christian is not automatically homologous to getting rich. The principles of Wealth do not have a nexus with any religious affiliation. They are general principles and if applied aptly by any one, the resultant effect will be succinctly yielded.
If you are a pastor and you don't have a car but you come to preach to me and tell me how having a penchant for cars is canal and materialistic, I won't listen to you!

Getting rich is hard, living in poverty is hard. Choose your kind of hardship!
Brethren, Let there be light!

Credit:  Ndubueze Endie Umunna 


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