Getaway (2013)

Getaway is an american action thriller movie that stars Ethan Hawke (Brent Magna), Selena Gomez (The Kid), and Jon Voight (The Voice).

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It seems a bit weird picking this movie for this week. One could be asking what possible positives can one draw out from an action thriller movie? Anyway, we'll see what we can do about that today.

It's crazy what love and family can make one do. Brent had to be loyal to 'The Voice' for that period his wife, Leanne, was in the hands of her kidnappers. He was a former race driver, a talented one, but also, one who must have also lost a bit of his touch as he quit race driving a while before then. But on the day his wife was kidnapped, his skills came back and he was at his best. This may be a weird lesson but has truth in it. Sometimes, one can do something, one can achieve something, but one needs some motivation, maybe something to trigger some "healthy anger" that will bring out that spirit and feeling of "above defeat".
There are times when one may get relaxed, care free, and seem to forget he's got dreams to pursue, or he can climb higher that the current height. Sometimes, nature uses certain triggers to remind some of such persons that they got it in them to achieve that height and be the best. At other times, such persons have to trigger themselves, get out of the comfort and maximize their talents.

The other lesson I'll love to highlight is about The Voice. Before that D-day, he had planned the whole scene. The kidnap of Brent's wife, the car used by Brent and the kid, surveillance for the operation, persons that will work for him, the assignments that Brent will carry out while driving the car...everything has been planned. That's why it was a success for him at the end. He got his about 3 billion dollars, and walked away like a boss.
To achieve something big without failing, one must plan adequately. One must cover every area of the plan, making sure he leaves no loop holes. In planning, one have to have options, like a plan A, plan B, plan C... If something must succeed, then one must plan in a way that if his plans fails, he can take another route to get to his destination. I'm not speaking of a negative route, I'm all positive. Planning takes time and effort, but makes the aim achieved faster, easier and more conveniently.

So, what other lessons did you learn from the movie?


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