Attract Who And What You Need!

We are NOT totally responsible for whatever happens to us, but WE ARE TOTALLY IN CONTROL of whatever happens to us.

I have developed the habit of blaming myself first when I encounter any failure or negative outcome because I could have changed that, but I was unable! I was unable either because I lacked the knowledge, understanding or(/and) maturity to deal with the process before the result was produced.

Often, I hear some ladies and some gentlemen put blames on the opposite, when they experience failed relationships. There's a funny phrase one hears; it goes like this: "All men are the same", " All ladies are the same".

I was in the midst of some persons, few days ago, and after a relationship conversation, I felt pity for them. Some persons think negatively relationship-wise. Why would a single be pre-thinking cheating on his partner when he's married? How would one just grow the mentality that the opposite sex has a defect? It's no big surprise that negative outcomes follows negative thinking.

A lot of persons do not know and understand who and what they NEED! They go after the "wants", and leave their "needs" behind. Some who understand what they need, still leave their needs and go for the wants. Unfortunately, when some remember their "needs", it becomes very late, and they just have to make do with the consequence.

Look at yourself, think about yourself. Who do you NEED? What type of partner do you NEED? Who will bring that little extra happiness you desire, and at the same time inspire you and make you grow and get better than your present state?

Go for your NEED! Stop wasting your time and resources on wants! Stop destroying yourself and other persons!
You Attract Who You NEED!!


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