The Power Of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale

Today, I'll share few of what I learnt from this inspiring book by Norman Vincent Peale. It's an amazing and inspiring book, which I feel a lot of persons have read. But if you haven't, it's worth checking out.
It's amazing to know that Peale's book is still inspiring lives long after written, and after he's gone (Peale died in 1993 at the age of 95 years).

• Nothing is inherently powerful. But WE are powerful, and we can give strength and power to whatever we choose to give such to. One's mind gives strength and power to circumstances, things, situations. And the more one's mind focus on something, it gives greater strength and power to such thing. And when strength and power is given to something, that thing has some control and authority even over us, the giver of the power, and would exercise that authority until one recognizes it and decides to take away such authority. It's then left for us to decide what we should give greater strength and power to (mindset and attitude coming into play).

• The nature of our mindset is something we can control and position to be positive. Most times, when the mind is sick, the body is prone to illness, and such illness cannot be treated except the mind is treated. Apart from our thoughts, PRAYER is an added positive to achieve this mental healthiness. It can revitalize that energy we need to be both mentally and physically efficient. Prayer is a great stimulus to creative ideas.

• Happiness is a product of one's mind; and one can have control over his/her happiness if one can keep his/her mind free of hate, worry, too much expectations, selfish thinking. One should rather live simple, give more and love more.

What other lessons did you learn? Let's share


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