You should let him stand right!

Came across a post some months back, and well, the subject of the post was on how a lady ought to protect and keep her man from her bad friends, so he doesn't get snatched. The adviser was like telling her advisees never to take their fiancés to see their female friends to avoid stories that touch (you know, snatching things), at least until he has paid the bride price.

But, hold on! Let me ask: You that kept him from your female friends so they don't snatch him; Are your female friends the only females in the world that can snatch a man? You are now "his protector", Voltron, defender of the powerless,.. Will you follow him to the office regularly? Will you go with him on his business trips?
The bitter truth is that "it is not the lady's duty to keep her man. It is the man's duty to keep himself!"

Don't get me wrong. You should play your part in the relationship to see that it survives and that you keep your man happy, but other than that, it's the man's duty to say no to temptation. It's not your duty to keep him from temptation. Even Christ doesn't shield us from temptation, it is left to us to take a stand for Him; He only provides a way of escape for us.

Any man that can be snatched from you (after you've played your part well) is not worth your effort, time and attention. A grown man, snatched? Was he snatched at gun point? Who snatched him?
You snatch things, not humans, what happened to loyalty? Commitment? Love?
I've been to the Uni. You could get free sex if that's the part you chose to take. But I kept myself and resisted the free offers. I was tempted - a fine young man studying to be a Pharmacist; yet I never needed a lady to protect me. I did so myself by God's help and my determination to.

Stop protecting a cheat! We do not need to remove ourselves from this world to stay away from the sin in this world.
Please, take him to see your snatching friends (if you have). It's better they snatch him now, than you pamper and protect him into marriage and someone then snatches him, because one day, since he is a snatch-able commodity, he will be snatched from you.
May you not marry a snatchable husband!

PS: If you're married, you've got a different case. You have to protect your man. At least, reduce your competition, and avoid setting the platform for your man to be snatched since he can't be counted on loyalty. It's quite a tough predicament but maybe, you've got to assist him stand up and right. One day, he might just be that man you won't have to worry about anymore.

The single - don't try to hide or protect any man who cannot stand up for himself!

Musa Gift (MG)


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