Welcome to August

One of the most important factor for Success is "Organization, Discipline and Time Planning".

If one wants to have a great, stress free and a happy life, one needs these.

As today marks the first day of the new month, take a look at the previous months. Take note of the limitations you had. Take note of the factors that contributed to you stressing yourself than necessary, and to you wasting some valuable time (I concur that time is precious, and every successful person should be able to account for every piece of time, he/she spends daily). Take note of the dreams and passions you have. Write them down.

Then make your plan and decide on how you want to get to where you want to be tomorrow. Start from that small you can start, and be consistent in it. Don't loose focus! Get the right friends around you that will help keep your head straight and focused and have strong faith in your dreams that even when no one believes in you, you keep going!

What will your Success take? Will it involve you reading some books, visiting some websites, doing research on some things, sleeping less or timing the number of hours you sleep, waking up early every morning, etcetera. Whatever it involves, start making it a part of You.

Success is very much admired, but what many people don't admire is the secret, the stress, the discipline behind the Success. Everyone who wants to get successful and STAY successful must be organized, disciplined and manage his/her time properly, else one may fall from Success after attaining that height.

So, let's get ourselves more organized, focused and disciplined.

God Bless August!!


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