
The word Love,

What does Love mean to you? I found out Love has no definite definition because everyone sees Love according to their perspective.
Well, some persons think they fully understand the meaning of Love because they are privileged to be around loving people. But If they look deep, most of the expressions of Love are conditional, but I'm sure a mother's love is almost unconditional. So I thought that such love was the greatest.

But when I experienced the Love that Jesus Christ has for me, I thought Jesus was out of His mind or something.
One might not understand because one just have the head knowledge of the Love of God but never experienced it personally. Well I hope we all do.

All I can say is that the Love of God is indescribable, unexplainable, seems unrealistic but when one experiences it, it becomes Real.
My deepest prayer is that we all do experience that Love!


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