Medal Needed?

"I helped my Wife bath the kids today". Kids that belong to you both, or the ones she brought from her mothers house?

"I helped my Wife with the dishes today". The plates you used to eat the Semo and Afang soup she joyfully and dutifully prepared for you after an exhausting day at work.

"I helped my wife wash clothes today", "I helped my Wife do this, I helped my wife do that"... 

Pls Sir, what exactly do you now want? A Medal?

I once lived with two wonderful roommates, Edo-game Oshios Promise, a.k.a the beans Man, and Adu Patrick a.k.a G.O (my own Alias? I remembered to forget it oh). We never really had clear cut roles at home per say. It wasn't all rosy, but I can tell you this, it was great and fun. Each of us just used our brains. If I woke up in the morning and swept the house, the next person did the dishes, the other person might decide to cook or clean the bathroom. When I did the dishes for instance, I didn't think I was helping anybody in particular. After all, somebody cooked the food ni, we stayed together, we were roommates. If G.O swept, he wasn't helping me, he was helping US. Everybody contributed.

Sir, I ask again, what do you want? A Medal?

Any Service you render in your home is as much for you as it is for her!

PS: I Believe a woman should be able to keep her house, feed her husband and ensure her home is neat and all, and not slyly transfer her roles to her husband out of laziness.

The ONLY point I seek to make here is that rendering service as a Man in your home is as much a help to you as it is for your wife. It is a help for everybody (you, her and your kids) and not just her!

Credit: Musa Gift (MG)


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