False Evidence Appearing Real

I can remember my first steps going before a crowd. I was asked to take the Bible reading in Church on a Sunday. By the time I mounted the pulpit, I had to grip the pulpit for support because I just discovered that I could no longer stand straight again out of fear and nervousness. I was shaking like a dry leaf in harmattan. I felt I was going to have a seizure or just fall and embarrass my generation. My legs were wobbling, it was like I had no bone in them. I couldn't look at the crowd, it was terrible, and I can't remember how I survived the few minutes it took for me to finish the Bible reading. I never wanted to get there again, but next Sunday, I was back there, and the Sunday after that, and every other Sunday, and there we have it. Fast forward to the present, after many years of going back to something I dreaded doing, going back to face the crowd, going back to face my fear, the stage freight; it's not really any big deal to me again.

Each time I see somebody say "I can't", "I won't", when they are asked to give a speech or take an activity in Church or in the Office that entails them facing their fears, or they say: "Pls call someone else", or "I will mess up"; I laugh.

Hey!, by all means, mess up, by all means, fail. That's all part of life. But whatever you do, please step out of your comfort zone. Comfort Zone is a place where there's no growth! No one grows in their comfort zone! Dare to face your fears!

My Mentor in Public Speaking, Les Brown said: "you will fail your way to success, you will fear your way to confidence"
If you let fear, it will keep you down, keep you stunted and keep you below your true potential!

Don't let fear stop you. If it's public speaking, you got to start. If it's music, writing, whatever it is, do start! You only get to live once. Don't live it in fear!

Many have lost job opportunities of a lifetime, lost out on great deals, missed out on what could have been blissful relationships, remained local Champions, for fear; fear of failing, fear of success, fear of the crowd, fear of being laughed at. If I never faced my fear of the stage, my state now will be same as ten years ago! So face your fears!!

Credit: Musa Gift (MG)


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